Sales Development


As indicated in the Harvard Business review in 2012, sales are in the process of radical transformation. COVID 19 is speeding up that transformation.

We can compare the two sales environments in the following way:

Old-School Sales
Until quite recently, business education might have been perfectly justified in skipping over sales.The model salesperson in the olden days focused on two parts, namely personality and product knowledge.

New-School Sales
As sales careers have moved beyond the days of glad-handing and door-opening, a whole realm of knowledge has come to separate the best-performing professionals from their peers. A great salesperson today can assess multiple customer needs and motivations, analyze and forecast market trends, use sophisticated automation tools, and develop value-driven solutions in partnership with clients. Critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to negotiate have become more important than an outgoing personality.

The three vital skills for sales professionals can be divided into 3 core areas namely:
1. The Sale
2. Products
3. Systems/Processes

Typical sales issues

Do answers to anyone of the following questions keep you up at night?

  • Are you satisfied with the performance of your sales team?
  • Are all of your salespeople performing to expectations?
  • Do you know what to do to increase the performance of your salespeople?
  • How will you feel if your salespeople all perform according to your requirements?
  • What is the effect of a bad hire on you and your business?
  • How do you feel when your sales team does not consistently reach their targets?
  • Do you struggle to understand why some people are successful while others are not?

Our solutions to the typical sales issues

We have the tools (EQFIT® Sales Profile), techniques, methodologies, and training programs available to address the typical sales issues as well as the ability to:

  • Develop hiring criteria and models. (minimize bad hires)
  • Assist in the appointment of the right salesperson in the correct position – getting them productive in a short period after appointment (ROI)
  • Create meaningful and measurable goals for all salespeople.
  • Create focused development programs which will lead to a direct increase in sales performance (ROI)
  • Develop effective sales teams focused on the culture and products/services of a company.

We developed a Sales Curriculum based on a collection of sales training programs. Above all, it is build to work together and to build upon each other for sales performance at scale. Our programs are based on behavioral science. Therefore, our content address the needs of both modern buyers and salespeople. Our programs are focused on THE SALE.

Below are the modules of our sales development training programs.

Sales EQ

Customer EQ

Goal setting


Business Turnaround service

Sales Cycle

Art of Influencing



Ideal day


Contact us for a no-obligation discussion around all your Sales Development needs.

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