Sales Assessment

EQFIT® Sales Profile

EQFIT® Sales Profile is the essential tool for measuring and improving the emotional drivers of sales success. From hiring to learning and development, this tool is designed to bring much needed clarity to what drives successful sales in your specific market. The EQFIT® Sales Profile was developed by Goodner Strategic Consulting, LLC in conjuction with Six Seconds. 

The EQFIT® Sales Profile measures what matters in sales, in real time.
Connection, trust, and influence are the building blocks of sales performance. Your top performers are going to be those who connect well with prospects, know how to build trust effectively, and apply influence in the right way at the right time. In a simple yet powerful format, the EQFIT® Sales Profile measures a person’s ability to connect and influence others for desired outcomes. The invaluable data provided by this tool will help identify key performance indicators for specific types of sales and establish hiring practices and development processes to match.

Measures a person’s ability to connect and influence others for desired outcomes.

Provides a “snapshot” of a salesperson’s Success Factors and resulting Sales Style.

Contextualizes data in terms of the type of sale that is ideal for each Sales Style

What is in the EQFIT?

The EQFIT® Sales Profile begins with a snapshot of a person’s current Sales Style, and then offers in-depth feedback, within a framework of Success Factors, on that person’s areas of strength and areas of opportunity.

Sales Style

The EQFIT® starts with a snapshot of a person’s current Sales Style. There are 4 styles, based on an advanced algorithm powered by the SEI:
Generator, Connector, Advisor and Negotiator. The report provides a description of each style and the type of sale that it is best suited for.

Success Factors

Success Factors are a real time measure of an individual’s ability to connect with people in a meaningful way for desired outcomes. The percentages shown for each Success Factor are a measure of how an individual is currently applying these Success Factors in their efforts. These learnable skills can be developed and provide a roadmap for growth and change.


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