
Ngena Technologies

Technology of the Human Mind

We offer Top-Rated Consulting and Coaching services and associated products to step up your future and the future of your business.

Our Services and Products

Is your business making a loss?

Is your business declining?

Do you want your business to grow?

Business Consulting Services

If you answer YES on any or more than one of these questions, we can help.

Please refer to our Consulting Services

and Contact US

Are you satisfied with your individual leader’s performance?

Are you satisfied with the performance of the different teams in your organisation?

Are you satisfied with your staff’s performance?

Are you satisfied with your staff’s engagement?

Leadership-, Team- and Organizational Development Services

If you answer NO on any or more than one of these questions, we can help.

Please refer to our Services 

and Contact US

Are you enjoying true happiness from a life well lived?

Are you accomplishing meaningful goals in your life?

Are you happy with your interpersonal connections?

Are you happy with your relationships?

Are you satisfied with the quality of your decision making?

Do you optimally involve and motivate others towards common goals?

Coaching Services

If you answer NO on any or more than one of these questions, we can help.

Please refer to our services and products 

and Contact US

Our Clients


Carel is both engaging and discerning in his approach. This has not only helped me realise my own blind spots, but also helped me realise some hidden strengths that I now harness to forge my careerpath.

Every session with Carel results in continuous introspection and reflection for days. These reflections are always a powerful force behind self-awareness…furthermore, these reflections shine a light on the blind spots while highlighting hidden strengths that we all possess.

Candice Giles

Director, 1.618 Financial Services

The coaching sessions with Carel Potgieter provided an invaluable safe space where my own assumptions and perspectives could be objectively and constructively analysed. This always led to a fresh perspective on a range of issues that affected me in developing my business and my leadership.”

Sean Press

CEO, Contact Media & Communications

I shall remiss if I fail to highlight that Mr Potgieter offers services, well supported by theoretical knowledge of business leadership and vast practical experience in commerce. He is well acquainted with human nature as well as personality and temperament types.

Mr Potgieter takes a real personal interest in working towards his consultants’ benefitting from his services and he is a strong source of motivation.”

CAC Korf


Carel’s extensive knowledge and skill set within the identifying of growth needs and development of individuals would be an asset to any company and I therefore strongly recommend Carel for any leadership development programmes at your organization.”

Janine Loubser

Principal, Welridge Academy

Our Certification Partners

Six Seconds

Six Seconds is a community of changemakers contributing to a world of insight, connection, and purpose.

Six Seconds thinks the world would be a better place if a billion people were practicing the skills of emotional intelligence (EQ). So, they research and share scientific, global, transformational tools & methods to support that goal.

With offices and representatives in 25 countries and members in 167 countries, their community extends the globe.

NeuroLeadership Institute (NLI)

The NeuroLeadership Institute’s (NLI) cutting-edge research-based tools and skills help coaches to effectively coach high-performance business professionals.

With its Brain Based Coaching Certification Program, NLI gives experienced as well as newbie coaches the tools and skills to be more effective and action oriented in their coaching practices.

Coaching – whether individual, team, workplace or executive – with a Neuroleadership approach is always about “facilitating positive change by improving thinking.”

Integrative9 Enneagram Solutions

The iEQ9 Enneagram Test and Professional Reports from Integrative9 Enneagram Solutions, offer the most accurate and technically robust Enneagram assessment tools to support our clients’ developmental journeys.

Their adaptive, intelligent questionnaires integrate the art and science of self-discovery and transformation with intelligent cutting-edge technology.

John C Maxwell

The John Maxwell Team empowers coaches, trainers, speakers and professionals seeking to add value to others and become top leaders as owners of their respective businesses, in their community or employment role, or for personal growth and development.  This incredible team equips over 13,000 trained and certified John Maxwell Coaches to walk beside others in their journey toward their greatest potential.

Our Team

Meet your team

Carel P Potgieter

Carel P Potgieter


For over 44 years Carel’s passion has been the development of growth in business and people, whether it was in the position of Managing Director, CEO, COO, CIO, Consultant or Coach.

Carel provides consulting and coaching services to a diverse field of clients. His unique approach leads to well defined ready to implement, personal and business strategies, focused on goals that support all aspects of the strategy and well-planned operational tactics to make sure that all solutions focus on creating personal fulfillment and customer value-driven outcomes

Ronald Knott-Craig

Ronald Knott-Craig

Consultant (Sales & Marketing)

Experienced Consultant with a demonstrated history of working in the Advertising, Marketing Communications services industry. Skilled in Advertising, Brand Positioning, Digital Strategy, Negotiation, Business Planning, Sales, and Market Research.

Pieter Potgieter

Pieter Potgieter

Consultant (Sales & Marketing)

For over 18 years Pieter functions in the Entrepreneurial world.

Pieter is an experienced Entrepreneur, Small Business Developer and Advisor, Social Media Marketing Professional, Financial System assessment and integration, Strategic Sales Systems advisory and implementation; Health & Fitness Coach, Feast Lifestyle ambassador, and coach.




Our latest blog posts

Sales and COVID 19

Introduction This article forms part of a series of articles expanding on the blog article published on Restart a business. This blog article is the...

Leadership during and post COVID 19

Definition of leadership and a leader There are lots of definitions of leadership and a leader. Most of them I find academically inclined and...

Short term business strategies

Short term business strategies. Most of our business already opened or are in the process of opening. Some of those who already operate are limping...

Restart a business

Our business closed as a result of COVID 19 Lock-down. The question top of our minds is, how do we restart the business after close down for COVID...

Self Knowledge

Introduction Before you can focus on restarting your business, you first need to take care of yourself. When the going gets, tough one needs to be...

Sales and COVID 19

Introduction This article forms part of a series of articles expanding on the blog article published on Restart a business. This blog article is the...

Leadership during and post COVID 19

Definition of leadership and a leader There are lots of definitions of leadership and a leader. Most of them I find academically inclined and...

Short term business strategies

Short term business strategies. Most of our business already opened or are in the process of opening. Some of those who already operate are limping...

Restart a business

Our business closed as a result of COVID 19 Lock-down. The question top of our minds is, how do we restart the business after close down for COVID...


Contact us for a free no obligation Consulting or Coaching session.

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