Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Tests
How does your EQ influence your Effectiveness?
How does your EQ influence your Relationships?
How does your EQ influence your Wellbeing?
How does your EQ influence your Life Satisfaction?

The Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessments (SEI™) are effective measures that help people develop and apply emotional intelligence professionally and personally. The tools are used for a broad range of training, coaching, hiring, and development needs.

The Six Seconds model is easy to understand and to use in training and development. The only tool measuring the Six Seconds model of emotional intelligence, the SEI focuses on eight key skills for leadership and life and puts these key competencies into the context of important life and work outcomes.

The SEI was developed internationally (in conjunction with Six Seconds’ offices world-wide); The SEI Assessment (Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment – Adult Version) was developed for giving a feedback on emotional intelligence and on how your brain works. The SEI was published on May 2005 by Six Seconds, the biggest emotional intelligence network in the world.

There are now over 125,000 people in the SEI norm group, and the tool is well validated and widely used in business, government, nonprofit, and education, – including organizations such as HSBC, the US Navy, Amazon, Microsoft, BMW, the UN, and Rotana.

The SEI measures eight fundamentals of EQ (including emotional literacy, emotional management, and empathy) – plus four critical success outcomes (such as Effectiveness and Relationships).

Structure and Scoring:

The SEI is composed of 77 randomly ordered items answered through a 5-point Likert scale, plus an optional mood question. The SEI scoring uses 28 different normative scales including hidden indices to increase objectivity and accuracy (ie, consistency index, positive impression index, time of compilation index and answer style index). The SEI algorithm includes weighted items derived from statistical analysis plus feedback from a panel of EQ experts; the result is a very accurate, meaningful picture. A paper version of the questionnaire is also available (for offline administration).

SEI is scientifically validated through Factorial Analysis and multiple statistical analyses revealing high reliability, including Cronbach Alphas between 0.68 and 0.81. The statistical specifics of the SEI Assessment tool are monitored year by year to optimize the accuracy of the measure.

The database includes more than 125,000 people from more than 125 countries; it is one of the most frequently used EQ tools in the world.

SEI is available in various languages.

Unlock EQ Report (UEQ)

The first assessment available is the UEQ profile.

The UEQ Profile offers a practical introduction to the value of EQ and action steps to “unlock EQ” and get the benefits of this life-changing methodology.

This Assessment is available FREE OF CHARGE!!!!!!

SEI Report Data Sheet

SEI Competencies:
The SEI Report provides an executive summary followed by a full profile of the full model including interpretations of each score in the context of an organizational leadership position. The Report provides general information on increasing EQ competence and a “snapshot” of a person’s performance tied to each score on each competency.

SEI Outcomes Report

SEI Critical Outcomes:
On the SEI, there are 2 assessments, one about EQ, one about life outcomes (the four outcomes are on a person’s Triarch — effectiveness, relationships, wellbeing, quality of life.
How do you see these now, and what do you want to improve?


Contact us for free no-obligation EQ assessment and debrief session

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